+32 -095 US East Texas (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+52 -177 US America/Adak (United States )(UTC-10:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+61 -150 US America/Anchorage (United States )(UTC-9:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+44 -116 US America/Boise (United States )(UTC-7:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+42 -088 US America/Chicago + (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+40 -105 US America/Denver (United States )(UTC-7:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+42 -083 US America/Detroit (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+40 -086 US America/Indiana/Indianapolis (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+41 -087 US America/Indiana/Knox (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+38 -086 US America/Indiana/Marengo (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+38 -087 US America/Indiana/Petersburg (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+38 -087 US America/Indiana/Tell_City (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+39 -085 US America/Indiana/Vevay (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+39 -088 US America/Indiana/Vincennes (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+41 -087 US America/Indiana/Winamac (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+58 -134 US America/Juneau (United States )(UTC-9:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+38 -086 US America/Kentucky/Louisville (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+37 -085 US America/Kentucky/Monticello (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+34 -118 US America/Los_Angeles (United States )(UTC-8:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+45 -088 US America/Menominee (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+55 -132 US America/Metlakatla (United States )(UTC-9:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+41 -074 US America/New_York (United States )(UTC-5:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+65 -165 US America/Nome (United States )(UTC-9:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+47 -102 US America/North_Dakota/Beulah (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+47 -101 US America/North_Dakota/Center (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+47 -101 US America/North_Dakota/New_Salem (United States )(UTC-6:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+33 -112 US America/Phoenix (United States )(UTC-7:00)
+57 -135 US America/Sitka (United States )(UTC-9:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+60 -140 US America/Yakutat (United States )(UTC-9:00, DST adds 1 hour from the second Sunday in March at 2:00 AM to the first Sunday in November at 2:00 AM)
+21 -158 US Pacific/Honolulu (United States )(UTC-10:00)